Submit an ACC Application

Owners are required to obtain Architectural Control Committee (ACC) approval for plans prior to beginning any work.
Please ensure that you have visited and read the ACC Frequently Asked Questions, as well as the detailed Approval Process steps on the Architectural Improvement main page. This will help gain a better understanding of any specific requirements for your particular application submission. Examples of some of the most requested project types are listed with recommendations on things to think about. 
The ACC is not responsible for reaching out to contractors with questions or application updates. All communication regarding the submitted ACC application will be sent via email to the homeowner directly.

How to Submit an Architectural Improvement Application
Please read your community's CCRs related to your project type. Ensure all guidelines and requirements are met before submitting your application.
-Click here to be directed to the governing documents page
-Click here to view Community Map with Sections
Ensure that you have all of the required documents to submit your application. Use this check list as a guide:
  • Valid email address
  • Illustrations for all elevations of the proposed finished project- materials to be used noted on the illustrations (Architectural drawings/CAD illustrations are required for all home additions, and detached structures)
  • Survey of the property with the proposed improvement improvement illustrated on the survey to scale
  • Distance from proposed project's edge to all property lines (in feet / inches)
  • Digital sample photos of all paint/stain colors to be used note name/color code: (e.g. Agreeable Gray SW 7029)
  • For Roof Applications - Digital sample photos of the material/color to be used with name of color noted
  • List of materials/specification sheet
  • Sample images of materials to be used
Ready to submit your Architectural Improvement application? 
Online Submissions Paper Submissions
*This online application can only be submitted by homeowners. Contractors cannot submit project applications using this portal.
*This application will need to be e-mailed to