Report a Violation

Violations Resolution
We understand that residents would like to see violations remedied as soon as possible. Violations can be reported to the HOA for an inspector to handle. Another option to potentially fix an issue is to talk to your neighbor. Talking to your neighbor can sometimes fix an issue without having to have the HOA step in and send out notices. 

How to Report a Violation
The fastest way to report a violation is to email the drivers directly so that a violation letter can be sent out. Please send violation reports to This email will reach our inspection team directly. It is also helpful to include photos of the issue you are reporting.
When reporting a violation, you may not notice a change in the situation right away. Sometimes owners respond to the letter immediately by correcting the violation, but other times we have to send out numerous letters and even fines before the owner either corrects it or engages the driver by communicating. Either way, the violation procedure in the governing documents must be followed. It provides for a courtesy letter followed by a notice of impending fine, and if not cured, increasing fines until the matter is corrected.
Due to privacy laws, the HOA is not permitted to divulge violation information or status to non-owners of the property in question. Therefore, it is not possible to ask “where the resident is on the fine schedule” or how many letters they have received. If they have not corrected the issue, simply keep reporting it to the email address and the drivers will move forward with the violation process.